Wednesday, June 9, 2010

T minus 3 days to lift off

Dear Joe Bloggs,

Three days remain before once again I am catapulted high above the skies and clouds into the Kingdom of Cambodia. The hopes that I had and the dreams that I have dreamt have given themselves a window of opportunity in which it is possible for me to strive out and reach them, starting in three days. For every ideal man, this is a time when one should be excited about the opportunities that God has in store for them, and to be excited about themselves being used to their fullest potential in order to advance the Kingdom of God.

However, Joe, instead of this excitement, an irrational fear has been cringing upon my territory, causing me to look aside into the blurred background instead of focusing my eyes upon that which is in front of me. Whether to call it an obstacle or a blessing, I do not know, yet what I do know is that I have been given what I have asked for. May I make the most out of my time with what has been given me.

Related Verse: Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25)

Thanks Joe Blog,

Joses Wong